C (121/301)

Date:04 Aug 99 at 19:54:02
Subject:Re: Drawing images on Intution

From: Steffen <steffen.mars@stenloese.mail.telia.com>

Hello Allan

On 03-Aug-99, Allan Odgaard claimed:
> From: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>
> On 03-Aug-99, Steffen wrote:
>>> ask your code to redraw the damaged areas which arise while dragging a card.
>> You could allso keep a copy of the entire display. That way, you blit ones
>> instead of twice, but it requires chipmem. If you want the speed, i think
>> this is fastest.
> I don't think so, because the contents of the window changes, thus you'll need
> to make a copy to the off-screen buffer each time. Plus, if the user has a
> graphics card, then the off-screen buffer could end up in fast mem (when
> there's no more memory on the board) and that makes blitting very slow...
No. The job is to ''animate' an image across a window from one position to another without 'overwriting' anything underneath (sort of like moving an icon around the screen).' You'll need to copy the display before each animation starts though, but not for every blit.

>> You can allso use BltBitMap() and use RPort->BitMap,
> No - you must access your windows bitmap through its rastport, because you need
> the layer info. Like the windows position in the bitmap, if windows cover it
> (which could mean an extra bitmap for smart refresh windows) etc. etc.
Yes. As i pointed out '....You can allso use BltBitMap() and use RPort->BitMap, provided your graphics don't exceed the bitmap boundaries'. It's possible that cliping is needed, but it doesn't seem like this is the case. Anyway, bliting via rastport is probably safer, at least that is the way i do it with my BOB objects. It wasn't ment as a suggestion, just to point out the possibility, as i know too little of the project to say wich is better in that situation.

> Regards Allan
> --
